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Community engagement

Wind Farm Open Day

Positive community engagement is vital for the success of any project. Developers who invest time and effort to build relationships with their communities based on trust and respect are those that are most likely to be embraced by their communities.

The Clean Energy Council works with the industry to continually promote best practice and has developed the following guides and a Best Practice Charter.

Best Practice Charter for Renewable Energy Developments

The Best Practice Charter is a set of voluntary commitments by Clean Energy Council members to engage respectfully with the communities in which they plan and operate projects, to be sensitive to environmental and cultural values and to make a positive contribution to the regions in which they operate. Find out more and see which companies have signed up to the Charter.

View the Charter

A Guide to Benefit Sharing Options for Renewable Energy Projects

This guide provides a comprehensive study of the various community benefit sharing options available to the proponents of large-scale renewable energy projects. Featuring a number of detailed case studies on the the benefit sharing strategies employed at existing projects, the guide serves as a practical tool to assist project proponents, financiers, policy makers and communities in understanding the range of benefit sharing methods available.

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Community Engagement Guidelines for Building Powerlines for Renewable Energy Developments

These guidelines explain how network connections are developed for new energy generation facilities, and outline expectations for how proponents and contractors involved in building them should engage with communities throughout the process.

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Wind farms and communities

The majority of Australians are big fans of wind power. Even so, it is vitally important for wind farm companies to engage in good faith with people living in the vicinity of wind power projects.

To help promote a high standard of community engagement across the industry, the Clean Energy Council has developed a number of reports and guides.

Community Engagement Guidelines for the Australian Wind Industry

These guidelines, written first and foremost for developers and operators, offer a comprehensive, best practice approach to community engagement to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes and increase clean energy development in Australia.

Best Practice Guidelines for Implementation of Wind Energy Projects in Australia

These practical guidelines are designed primarily for use by wind farm proponents, owners and operators. The guidelines steps through the wind farm development process, providing guidance on technical, environmental, contractual and engagement facets of project development.

Wind Farms - A Guide for Communities

The guide, aimed at communities, councils and landholders, explains the wind farm development process, and what communities can expect from developers throughout that process.

Decommissioning in the wind industry

The Clean Energy Council provides an outline of the expected industry practices for the decommissioning of wind farms.

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Enhancing Positive Social Outcomes from Wind Farm Development

This independent research report prepared on behalf of the Clean Energy Council and its members provides a snapshot of current community engagement and benefit-sharing practices across the Australian wind industry, and identifies opportunities for continuous improvement.

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Clean Energy Australia Report
