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Lodge a complaint

Important information about complaints and complaint handling

The Clean Energy Council (CEC) is responsible for the administration of a number of regulatory programs that aim to increase consumer confidence in renewable energy systems, services and products. The CEC is not a dispute resolution body. Our jurisdiction is limited to receiving complaints that may result in disciplinary action against accredited persons and companies.

The CEC responds to complaints against:

Approved Solar Retailers, where a breach, or suspected breach of the Solar Retailer Code of Conduct has occurred, and sufficient evidence has been supplied to support a complaint.

CEC Accredited Installers/Designers, where non-compliance in relation to relevant Australian Standards or CEC Guidelines has been identified in the installation of a solar, wind or energy storage system (within 5 years from installation) and can be supported by clear evidence.

The CEC works with the industry to improve standards and maintain industry integrity. Responding to complaints of non-compliance is part of the value of these programs. Accordingly, our complaint handling and investigations prioritise matters where:

  • An installed system does not generate (or generate to a reasonable standard) due to a quality or safety fault that is the responsibility of a person or entity within the CEC’s jurisdiction.
  • Dishonest or misleading conduct, or high-pressure sales tactics lead to consumer harm, or the potential for other consumers to suffer harm.
  • Documented evidence substantiating a breach, or breaches, of the Solar Retailer Code of Conduct. Unsubstantiated claims will not be investigated.
  • Records of verbal evidence must be accompanied with a statutory declaration or affidavit.
  • The certificate of testing/compliance for electrical works and/or the STC assignment form confirming the identity of the retailer or other form of verification such as a signed contract.
  • An independent inspection report which finds non-compliance in relation to relevant Australian Standards or CEC Guidelines. This must include photographic evidence, clearly identifying the non-compliant item with references to the relevant Australian Standards or CEC Accreditation Guidelines(s); AND
  • The certificate of testing/compliance for electrical works, or the STC assignment form confirming the identity of the installer/designer.

The Clean Energy Council does not have jurisdiction to assess or resolve financial disputes. It may be necessary for consumers to contact a relevant consumer protection organisations if a financial outcome is required.

Evidential Requirements and supporting documentation

The following are the minimum requirements for the CEC to accept and investigate a complaint against an Approved Solar Retailer:

  • Documented evidence substantiating a breach, or breaches, of the Solar Retailer Code of Conduct. Unsubstantiated claims will not be investigated.
  • Records of verbal evidence must be accompanied with a statutory declaration.
  • The certificate of testing/compliance for electrical works and/or the STC assignment form confirming the identity of the retailer or other form of verification such as a signed contract.
  • Confirmation the installed system is a residential or small-scale commercial installation valued under $100,000.

The following are the minimum requirements for the CEC to accept and investigate a complaint against a CEC Accredited Installer/Designer:

  • An independent inspection report which finds non-compliance in relation to relevant Australian Standards or CEC Guidelines. This must include photographic evidence, clearly identifying the non-compliant item with references to the relevant Australian Standards or CEC Accreditation Guidelines(s); AND
  • The certificate of testing/compliance for electrical works, confirming the identity of the installer/designer.

Please Note:

Where required supporting documents or evidence is not provided, or cannot be provided, we will not be able to progress your complaint. A template which can be used for Independent Inspection Reports is available here.

Complaint Handling

When responding to complaints, the CEC will inform the subject of the complaint of the allegations against them and give them the right to respond or rectify. The CEC approaches all complaints independently and we have strict procedures to support this. The CEC will only take disciplinary action based on evidence of non-compliance.

If there is any reason why you do not want us to contact the subject of the complaint, or, you do not want to be identified as a complainant, we may not be able to progress your complaint.

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