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Installer Reference Group

The Installer Reference Group (IRG) is an industry based advisory committee made up of 24 accredited solar installers, designers and industry representatives that assist the CEC in improving and shaping the small-scale PV and battery storage installation industry.

The group act as the voice of our 7000 installers and designers. They have input on a range of topics including standards, guidelines and policy development, adding value to the debate around integrity issues facing the installation industry. Log in to find out more about what the IRG has been up to.

Nathan allen

Nathan Allen, Owner and Operator, High Yield Solar

Nathan is pleased to actively contribute to the improvement of the solar industry and represent the interests of SME's in Tasmania.

Nathan has four years’ experience in the solar industry.

Aaron browne

Aaron Browne, Quality Assurance Manager, Infinite Energy

Aaron has joined the IRG for the opportunity to have direct input into the solar industry. He believes in more stringent testing and approval for manufacturers to reduce the number of product recalls.

Aaron began his career in solar 17 years ago repairing an off-grid system in rural WA.

David bruce

David Bruce, General Manager, Essential Solar

David believes the keys to lifting standards across the industry are improved training, product quality and workplace safety.

David has been working in solar for ten years.

Derek Butterworth, Solar Operations Manager, SAE Group

Derek would like to see a 100 per cent inspection rate of solar jobs for new installers until their ability to install has been proven.

Derek has been a part of the solar industry for ten years.

Mark cavanagh

Mark Cavanagh, Owner and Manager, MC Electrical

Mark is keen to help the CEC lift the bar to ensure that the solar industry remains reputable and can do its bit to combat climate change.

Mark has 11 years of experience in the solar industry.


Matt Corbett, Managing Director and Electrical Contractor, GJ Appliance and Electrical Service

Matt considers the IRG an opportunity to have input into the industry from an "on the tools" perspective.

Matt first joined the IRG in 2017 and has been accredited with the CEC since 2012.

Johann feulry irg

Johann Fleury, Director, Thirroul Solar

Johann is an advocate of the environmental aspect of the solar industry and believes high-quality products should be installed for the benefit of the whole industry.

Johann has been an electrician for 23 years and has worked in the solar industry since 2009.

Anthony gretch

Anthony Grech, Director/owner, SolarVista

Anthony’s focus with the IRG is addressing the day to day issues installers experience during the installation process.

Anthony has held Grid-connect Design and Install for eight years.

Peter leeson

Peter Leeson, Managing Director of Leeson Group and Leeson Energy

Peter believes that changing the safety attitudes of the industry now, will have a positive effect on future generations of installers and designers.

Peter has 12 years’ experience working in the solar industry.

Jack long

Jack Long, Co-Founder/Director, Solar Cutters and Solar Design Engineer, RACV Solar

Jack is dedicated to raising the standard of the industry through community, knowledge sharing and collaboration.

He has 11 years of experience in the solar industry.

Bobbie mckibbin

Bobbi McKibbin, Owner, Office and Community Engagement Manager, Solar Integrity

Bobbi is keen on implementing an easy way for customers and industry professionals to lodge complaints that lead to investigations.

Bobbi has been working in the solar industry since 2013.

Kyle mclaren

Kyle McLaren, Electrical Inspector, TechSafe Australia

Kyle has joined the IRG group to keep improving the solar industry. He believes in harsher penalties to installers and designers for non-compliant installations.

Kyle has been involved in the solar industry since 2010.

Nigel morris

Nigel Morris, Business Development Director, Solar Analytics

Nigel is keen to contribute towards the continuous evolution and development of policies and programs which enhance quality.

Nigel has worked across many areas of the solar industry for over 25 years.

John pirie

Jonathan Pirie, Director/installer SolarSure Ltd

Jonathan believes in complete regulatory standardisation across Australia’s and New Zealand’s transmission network requirements for grid-connected solar and storage.

Jonathan has held Grid-connect solar and storage accreditation for 11 years.

Dezmal solo

Dzemal Solo, General Manager, Carbon Friendly Enterprises

Dzemal believes he has a unique perspective and knowledge base to offer the IRG, he is keen to contribute to improving the renewable energy industry.

Dzemal has over 30 years in the electrical, energy efficiency, energy storage and renewable energy sectors as both a tradesman and business owner.

Pat Southwell

Pat Southwell, Technical team, Clean Energy Council, Chair

Pat is excited to be leading the solar installation industry consultation efforts of the CEC. He believes the IRG is an important sanity check of the impacts of changes on the industry.

Pat has been installing solar since 2009 and working at the CEC for over three years.

Eddie springer

Eddie Springer, Commercial Sales and Installation Manager, Springer Solar

Eddie is keen to be a conduit for information between the CEC and installers in his region, making sure the big issues are in the spotlight.

Eddie has both Grid-connect and Stand-alone System accreditation and has been working with solar for over 13 years.

David Tolliday, Solar Consultant, SaveEnergySolutions and Senior Renewable Energy Instructor at Homesglen

David’s focus is to improve the solar industry through better compliance, training and improving industry best practice.

David has been working in the solar industry since 2008 and holds Grid-connect, Stand-alone, storage and micro-wind accreditation.

Dean wallace

Dean Wallace, Owner/operator of PV QA Australia

Dean believes that the policy and standards in place are a great framework for raising the bar across the industry but are only as effective as their enforcement.

Dean has held Grid-connect and Stand-alone System accreditation for over 12 years.

Rodd zhang

Rodd Zhang, Principal Engineer, ACEnergy

Rodd believes installers and engineers should work more closely together to understand each other's techniques and considerations.

Rodd has been involved in the solar industry for nine years.

Josh Sheppard, Josh Sheppard Electrical

Chris Stork